RCTC students who do not have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or a cumulative completion rate of 66.67% are not considered to be meeting minimum academic requirements according to the RCTC Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
You may appeal your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) status if extenuating circumstances interfered with your ability to meet RCTC’s SAP standards. Appeal deadlines are shown below along with a link to the Appeal eform.
ACADEMIC Suspension
An academic suspension is valid for one year, during which time you may not enroll at RCTC or any other Minnesota State College or University. After being suspended from RCTC, you have two options:
- Appeal your suspension if you have a documentable extenuating circumstance or recent academic success. Click here to access the eForm website.
- If there are no extenuating circumstances, you will be required to sit out for one year.
Summer Session 2024: Before start of requested classes
Fall Semester 2024: July 19, 2024 (If suspended after Summer, appeals are due 8/23/24)
Spring Semester 2025: December 13, 2024 (If suspended after Fall, appeals are due 1/10/25)
Summer Session 2025: Before start of requested classes
A financial aid suspension remains in effect until you have improved your cumulative GPA and completion rate to the minimum standards. After being suspended from Financial Aid, you have two options:
- Appeal your suspension if you have a documentable extenuating circumstance or recent academic success. Click here to access the eForm website.
- If there are no extenuating circumstances, it is recommended that you pay for one term (6 credits), resulting in a 2.5 GPA and 100% completion rate (no grades of F, FN, FW, W, I, or NC) for the term. If you are also on Academic Suspension, see the information above.
Summer Session 2024: June 24, 2024
Fall Semester 2024: September 23, 2024
Spring Semester 2025: February 9, 2025
Summer Session 2025: June 30, 2025
Maximum Timeframe Suspension for Financial Aid Students
All students are expected to complete their degree objective within 150% of the published credit length of the program. Credits attempted at RCTC and credits accepted from other institutions are counted for determining this standard. For example, a student enrolled in a 60 credit program would be allowed to attempt up to 90 credits. However, they must complete the program by the time they reach the 90 credit limit. Students who have been suspended for exceeding the 150% threshold for their major, may appeal their standing. Deadlines for appealing are the same as Financial Aid Appeal deadlines shown above.
Appeal Criteria
The following criteria may be used as the basis for an appeal:
- Personal physical health or mental health issue: Attach a signed statement on letterhead from your provider with dates of onset and current status.
- Death in immediate family: Parent, spouse, sibling, child or other immediate family. Attach death certificate or obituary, with notation of your relationship to the deceased.
- Military call for active duty: Attach copy of official dated military orders.
- Family/relationship Crisis: Attach court or legal documentation as well as resolution/current status.
- Disability issue not previously diagnosed/documented: Documentation must be submitted to Disability Support Services (SS159)
- Natural Disaster: Flood, fire or tornado. Attach insurance report or other documentation.
- Job loss: Attach unemployment verification or termination notice from employer.
- Recent academic success (6 credits with a 2.5 term GPA and 100% term completion rate) : Attach official transcript.
- Change of major/academic goal (Maximum Timeframe only): Complete academic planning form as part of your appeal.
- Significant lapse in attendance (at least 5 years). Personal statement describing the circumstances that prevented you from meeting SAP during your last attendance.
Note: The following criteria will NOT be considered as extenuating circumstances:
- employment scheduling or transportation issues
- lack of funds
- dissatisfaction with instructor or course delivery method (i.e. online/hybrid/traditional)
- lack of textbooks or appropriate class materials
- lack of knowledge of college policy
- claiming college did not inform student of suspension policies and procedures
- inability or failure to access student email account
- failure to correctly process course drop, add or withdrawal
- failure to read and follow appeal conditions
- failure to attend classes
- failure to follow prerequisites or placement results
- unaware of the impact of a fresh start