Current and Ongoing Facility Projects
Heintz Center 1100 Suite Predesign
The Rochester Community and Technical College is currently working with the Architecture and Engineering design team of HGA on the Heintz Center 1100 Suite Predesign project.
The Heintz Center is a building complex that contains five interconnected buildings built over the course of time between 1969 and 2014. The total gross square footage is 212,344 GSF. The area affected by this project is primarily in the 1100 Suite with additional work in the 1200 Suite, portions of the 1300 Suite, and commons (part of the 1400 Suite). The primary focus of this project is to improve academic program adjacencies, better utilize the available building space, and improve the overall efficiency of the 1100 Suite technical lab spaces.
This Predesign is planned to be completed in 2022 for a State of Minnesota General Obligation Bond project design funding request in 2023 and anticipated construction funding in 2024.
Campus-Wide Door Hardware & Access Upgrades
The Rochester Community and Technical College is planning to upgrade all of our exterior door and interior classroom doors with enhanced locking capabilities to improve campus safety and security.
This project is planned to be completed in May of 2023.
Future Projects
The following is a listing of some of the larger projects that RCTC intends to complete in the near future. Check back for additional information on these projects and others as we develop them further.
- Coffman Hall Roofing Replacement
- Campus-Wide Exterior Envelope Repairs
- Heintz Center HVAC Improvements Phase III
- Heintz Center South Parking Lot Improvements (south portion of lot)
Rochester Energy Benchmarking Program
RCTC is proud to be a part of the Rochester Energy Benchmarking Program. The program provides a platform for Rochester business and building owners to track their energy use and identify ways to save money on utility bills. You can read the most recent report here (CY19). To see how RCTC and other businesses in Rochester compare, check out the Efficient Buildings Collaborative Map.