The RCTC Math department feels very strongly that having the necessary background is essential in order to succeed at any level. More than 20 math classes are offered at RCTC. Students are advised to make sure they have the prerequisites before entering any class. Prerequisites may be met in one of two ways:
- Scoring at an acceptable level on the Placement Test or
- Completing the prerequisite course with a grade of C or better
Full-Time Faculty
David Atwood
Office: M2401L
John Buchl
Office: M2401M
Sarah Endel
Office: M2401D
Dan Froelich
Office: M2401G
Adjunct Faculty
Mary Pringle - Office: M2401K
James Rogers - Office: M2401C
Developmental Classes
- Math 0093 Pre-Algebra
- Math 0094 Elementary Algebra with Arithmetic Review
- Math 0098 Elementary Algebra
- Math 0099 Intermediate Algebra
- Math 0100 Combined Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
- Math 0990 Statway Statistics I
Corequisite Classes
Technical Classes
- Math 1015 Applied Technical Math*
- Math 1016 Technical Math Essentials*
- Math 1026 Mathematics for Veterinary Technicians*
*Note: Please check with your advisor about the transferability of this course.
Liberal Arts Transfer Classes
- Math 1050 Foundations of Mathematics: Algebra Emphasis
- Math 1060 Foundations of Mathematics: Geometry Emphasis
- Math 1090 Statway Statistics II
- Math 1111 Contemporary Concepts in Mathematics
- Math 1113 Finite Math with College Algebra
- Math 1115 College Algebra
- Math 1117 Precalculus
- Math 1119 Applied Calculus for Business & Economics
- Math 1127 Calculus I
- Math 1128 Calculus II
- Math 2208 Fundamentals of Statistics
- Math 2218 Discrete Mathematics
- Math 2237 Multivariable and Vector Calculus
- Math 2238 Differential Equations & Linear Algebra
- Math 2350 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Next-Gen Accuplacer
- First test and one retest are at no cost to student.
- If a student only wants to test and take a Math class right away, this may be the best option.
ALEKS PPL (Placement, Preparation, and Learning)
- Students must pay $25 + tax online when creating their account.
- If a student wants multiple attempts to increase their placement and they have time before they are taking a Math Course this may be the best option.
- ALEKS PPL is a diagnostic test and will not create an individualized review on topics that you got wrong and do not know.
- More information on ALEKS PPL and registration process, please go to Prep for College Math on the Math Department website.
Accurate placement is key to academic success. At RCTC, we use Accuplacer and ALEKS PPL (Placement, Preparation, and Learning) for our math placement testing. Please click Math Placement Testing Options for more information.
ALEKS PPL is an artificially intelligent software system that accurately assesses, prepares, and places students into math courses where they are most likely to succeed. The ALEKS PPL test is a diagnostic test that creates an individualized learning experience after your placement test. Then you can complete modules in your account to brush up on your math skills before you retake another placement test to increase your placement. Once you create your account you have 12 months of access to take up to five (5) placement tests and unlimited practice.
Check out this short video introduction to ALEKS PPL.
The ALEKS PPL placement test is taken online and consists of a maximum of 25 fill-in answers (no multiple choice) questions. There is no time limit on the placement test but usually takes about 90 minutes. You are allowed blank paper and a pen/pencil for working out solutions while taking the test. An on-screen calculator is provided for those questions that require it (this is the only calculator allowed). No notes, textbooks, websites, electronic devices, or math help during assessments.
Use the following process to get set up:
- Students interested in taking a placement test, please contact their advisor to get the process started and decide on which placement test is best for them.
- If a student decides that ALEKS PPL is best for them, register using the ALEKS PPL Registration document at home prior to their proctored placement test reservation time.
- With the help of a student’s advisor make sure they have a proctored placement test reservation.
- Take a proctored placement test seriously this will give a student the best results and most accurate problems to review.
- After students complete a proctored placement test they will get individual Prep and Learning Modules on topics based on the results from the proctored placement test.
- Students who spend 8-10 hours in their learning modules have a high likelihood of moving up to the next placement level.
- Help on the Math topics can be found in the Math Learning Center.
- After the initial proctored placement test, students have an opportunity to retest another 4 times. Students must wait at least 48 hours in between placement attempts and spend at least 3 hours in their Prep and Learning Modules in between each placement test. If a student does not meet these requirements, then they will not be able to retest when they get to the testing center.
The normal sequence for Math 2208 Fundamentals of Statistics is the following
Math 0093 → Math 0098 → Math 0099 or Math 1111 → Math 2208
The new sequence for Statway Statistics is as follows
Math 0093 → Math 0990 → Math 1090
The completion of the Statway® sequence Math 0990 and Math 1090 in consecutive semesters is equivalent to the completion of Math 2208. The Statway sequence covers the same material as Math 2208 at a slower pace and without the Algebra background. The prerequisite for Math 0990 Statway Statistics I is the same as the prerequisites for Math 0098 Elementary Algebra. So the students starting at the Math 0093 level or testing at the Math 0098 level would save one semester by taking the Statway sequence.
The Statway sequence is also taught using active based learning model.
The completion of the Statway sequence Math 0990 and Math 1090 in consecutive semesters will transfer as an introductory Statistics course to the following schools
- Metropolitan State University (Metro State) - STAT 201
- Minnesota State University, Mankato - STAT 154
- St. Cloud State University - STAT 193
- University of Minnesota - STAT 3011
- Winona State University - STAT 110
Student Work in Action
Lab Materials:
- Lab on Standard Deviation (Document format)
- Lab on Standard Deviation (PDF format)
PowerPoint Presentations:
- American Mathematical Association for Two Year Colleges or AMATYC
- Minnesota chapter of AMATYC or MinnMATYC
- Minnesota Council for Teachers of Mathematics or MCTM
- University of Minnesota Mathematics Department
- Web-based exercises for Calculus I by Paul Garrett from the University of Minnesota
The attached Flowchart represents a suggested sequence of courses, along with prerequisites of some of the courses that the department offers. The following are recommended pathways to achieve your individual math requirements: