Beehive Blog–October 5, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

Check out the following links for important RCTC information Register Now for Spring 2023 Campus Safety News Meet with Your Advisor and Counselor Comment Card Technology Support Center   REGISTER NOW FOR SPRING CLASSES! Get the schedule YOU want! Get the Read More …

RCTC Names Outstanding Educator

Ruth Casper Named RCTC Outstanding Educator 2022

Rochester Community and Technical College is proud to announce Psychology Instructor Ruth Casper has been selected to receive the College’s 2022-2023 Outstanding Educator Award. Instructors were nominated by faculty, students, and staff, and completed an extensive portfolio of their work Read More …

Beehive Blog–September 29, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

Check out the following links for important RCTC information United Way 211 Scholarships Weather and Emergency Closings Staying Safe on Campus Flu Shots Money Management Get Yourself Tested Therapy Group for Students   UNITED WAY 211 United Way 211 provides free Read More …

RCTC Voted Best of the Best

RCTC Voted Rochester's Best of the Best

RCTC has been voted the BEST OF THE BEST for the sixth consecutive year in the Post Bulletin’s annual reader’s choice contest. You can see all the winners and finalists in the special insert in Saturday, September 24th’s print edition Read More …

Beehive Blog–September 19, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

ANNUAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS Rochester Community and Technical College complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which affords students certain rights with respect to their education records as found in the Student Data Practices Read More …

Beehive Blog–September 14, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

We, in Student Affairs, are committed to your success. Each week on Wednesdays, we’ll share the most relevant and important information about “Bee-ing” successful in accomplishing your goals at RCTC.  This information is stored on our website and available to Read More …

Beehive Blog–September 7, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

We, in Student Affairs, are committed to your success. Each week on Wednesdays, we’ll share the most relevant and important information about “Bee-ing” successful in accomplishing your goals at RCTC.  This information is stored on our website and available to Read More …

Beehive Blog–August 31, 2022

RCTC Student Blog

We, in Student Affairs, are committed to your success. Each week on Wednesdays, we’ll share the most relevant and important information about “Bee-ing” successful in accomplishing your goals at RCTC.  This information is stored on our website and available to Read More …