Check out the following links for important RCTC information
Mental Health During Winter Break
Free STI Testing
Why Register Now?
Dean’s List
Checking Fall Grades
Fall Graduates
Light Therapy Boxes
Equipment Return Reminder
Semester End and Winter Break
Practice these tips to help you manage your stress, care for your mental health, and enjoy the season:
- Practice an attitude of gratitude. Recognizing blessings and joys helps to keep the stresses in perspective.
- Exercise! Regular physical activity is a great stress reliever.
- Avoid using drugs or alcohol to deal with your stress. They only mask the symptoms of stress and do nothing to reduce stress or eliminate the causes of the stress.
- Breathe. Inhale slowly through your nose, then exhale even more slowly through your mouth. Do this at least twice. (Go ahead. Give it a try. Yep, right now. It feels pretty good, doesn’t it?)
- Ask for help when you need it! Talk with trusted friends and family members or contact the Counseling Center, Student Health Services, or your regular healthcare provider if you’re feeling overwhelmed. RCTC has licensed mental health therapists available for our students. More information is available here. Current RCTC students can schedule appointments at MyHealth.RCTC.edu
- 24/7 help is available through Crisis Response of SE Minnesota (1-844-274-7472) or The United Way 211 Program (dial 2-1-1) if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the following:
- Feeling lost, overwhelmed, or hopeless
- Experiencing depression, anxiety, or a panic attack
- Having suicidal thoughts
- Wanting to harm yourself or others
- Having rapid mood swings
- Have lost touch with reality
- At risk of being unable to care for yourself
- Unable to function in a healthy manner
Reminder: Student Health Services has limited hours and services (medical and mental health therapy) during the winter break, December 19 – January 6.
Our regular hours and services will resume January 9. If you would like to schedule an appointment for any of our services, go to the Student Health Portal at MyHealth.RCTC.edu and login with your RCTC login credentials.
Free Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests in Student Health Services (Usual fee is $25 for both tests.) on December 12th, 13th, and 14th only.
A urine specimen is required for the tests. Call 507-285-7261 or visit MyHealth.RCTC.edu to schedule your confidential appointment today!
Appointment times are limited! No walk-in appointments.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rarely present. STIs can be transmitted even if you do not have symptoms. If you are at risk for a STI, you NEED to be tested.
- Not a morning person? Register Now to avoid early morning classes!
- Avoid the wait (list)! Register Now before your classes fill!
- Plan your “me” time? Register Now and know next semester’s schedule today!
Don’t wait until you get back from break! Visit AdvisorVue as soon as possible as your advisor’s calendar gets booked up the closer, we get to the start of the term. Courses fill up and finding what times work for you gets more difficult the longer you wait.
Each semester, excellence in scholastic achievement is recognized by compiling three lists of students. The qualifications for each list are as follows:
- President’s List: Students must have completed 12 credits or more for the same semester with a 4.0 GPA.
- Dean’s List: Students must have completed 12 credits or more for the same semester with a 3.5-3.99 GPA.
- High Academic Achievement List: Students must have completed 9-11 credits for the same semester with a 3.5-4.0 GPA.
Additionally, the credit courses completed must have earned grade points. Credits for P (Pass) and grades of I (Incomplete), AU (Audit), W (Withdrawal), and NC (No Credit) are excluded from the count. These lists are posted on our website, on campus, as well as distributed to local media.
RCTC hopes you had a tremendously successful semester. As it draws to an end, please note the Records and Registration Office anticipates all final Fall 2022 grades are submitted and calculated by Friday, December 23rd. These grades can be viewed in the grades and transcripts section of the college eServices site.
Any grades not posted to your eServices account have not been reported by a faculty member. Please contact the instructor of your class to inquire when s/he will post any missing grades.
Your degree will be posted to your transcript about 2 weeks after all final grades have been posted. Awards will be printed and mailed to your permanent address on file in the Records and Registration Office approximately 6 weeks later. RCTC will hold a Commencement Ceremony in May. Updated Commencement information will be on our website in later Spring 2023 semester. It is important that you apply to graduate no later than the 30th day of the semester in which you will graduate.
For more information, please visit our website.
Congratulations on completing your degree at RCTC!
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that most commonly occurs during the fall and winter months. Using a light therapy box for little as 10-20 minutes can be helpful to someone who struggles with SAD.
RCTC Student Health Services has placed light therapy boxes at several locations around campus – Goddard Library, TRIO/Student Support Services, Lower-level study area in Health Sciences, First floor Coffman high tables, and the Heintz Center Cyber Café.
Feel free to use them!
Please refer to the instructions and safety information placed near each light and be sure to scan the QR code to complete a very brief survey so we know they are being used.
The use of light therapy lamps should not be viewed as a substitute for seeking medical advice. Light therapy is only one means to treat low mood or depression brought upon by seasonal affective disorder.
As the semester nears completion, remember to return any equipment checked out from the Technology Support Center. All technology equipment, such as cameras, video recording gear, and other equipment is due Friday, December 16th. Equipment not returned by this date and time will be declared lost, your student account will be charged for replacement costs, and a hold will be placed on your academic records.
You will be allowed to use the gear in the upcoming semester as long as you are enrolled in a specific program that requires you to use such equipment or if it is general media gear for classroom usage.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at (507) 536-5555 or by email at tech.help@rctc.edu
This is a reminder that Fall Semester ends Friday, December 16th and there are no classes until Spring Semester begins on Monday, January 9, 2023.
The college will be open for business as usual but will be closed on Friday, December 23rd, Monday, December 26th, and Monday, January 2nd due to the holidays.
Please stay informed of updates on the RCTC Door Hours on our website.
Enjoy the winter break!