Check out the following links for important RCTC information
Summer Registration
Policies and Procedures
Campus Security Act
Career and Major Exploration Workshop
Returning students can register for summer classes online now.
Current and Returning Degree-Seeking Students Tuesday, February 2
New and Non-Degree Seeking/Visiting Students Thursday, March 2
For help in registering for classes, set up an appointment with your advisor using Advisorvue. Visit the Registration webpage for answers to all of your registration questions.
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with college policies and procedures. or a more complete description of the policies, please refer to www.rctc.edu/policies/ or contact one of the Administrative Offices. A condensed version of RCTC policies can be found in the RCTC Student Handbook online at https://www.rctc.edu/services/student-affairs/.
RCTC recognizes providing the safest environment possible is an integral element of the college’s educational mission and annually publishes a Campus Security Report that is available to everyone. This report provides statements of policy for a broad range of safety and security programs including crime prevention programs, reporting procedures, personal safety, community relations, environmental safety, enforcement authority and response and a three-year statistical review of designated crimes on campus. This report is designed to inform and educate you on the measures that can be taken and the services available to you to assist in maintaining a safe and secure learning environment. A printed copy of this report may be obtained, at no charge from Campus Security at 851 30th Avenue, SE, CF102, Rochester, MN 55904, phone: 507-280-5050.
The Campus Safety Crime Statistics can be accessed at https://www.rctc.edu/services/safety/annual-security-report
Emergency Procedures can be accessed at https://www.rctc.edu/services/safety/emergency/
Crime Prevention can be accessed at
Emergency Alert System https://www.rctc.edu/services/safety/emergency-alerts/
Additional information can be found at https://www.rctc.edu/services/safety/
All members of the college community are encouraged to contact the Campus Security Officer or Campus Security Coordinator personally with any concerns and questions regarding campus security and related issues at:
Scott McCullough, Directory of Campus Safety and Security
851 30th Avenue Southeast
Rochester, MN 55904-4999
Office: CF102
Phone: 507-280-5050
Email: scott.mccullough@rctc.edu
At the Career and Major Exploration Workshop, students will use Sigi3 software to learn about two key parts:
- To identify their values, skills, interests, and personality type and how their traits can match with specific majors and careers.
- It has excellent job market data that is pulled directly from the National Department of Labor including job duties, hiring trends, salary and much more.
All students are welcome just know your StarID and password!
The workshop will be held in room AT210 on the dates and times provided:
- Tuesday, February 21, 10:00 – 10:50am
- Thursday, February 23, 9:00 – 9:50am
- Monday, February 27, 2:00 – 2:50pm
- Thursday, March 2, 11:00 – 11:50am
The goal for students is to identify careers that best fit their strengths and interests. Students have the option to schedule a follow-up career appointment by going to advisorvue, stopping in the Advising and counseling office, or calling 507-285-7260 to review their results and develop a personalized career plan.