Check out the following links for important RCTC information
Free STI Testing
Book Buy Back
Register Now for Spring 2023
Studying for Finals
Receive Your Tax Forms Electronically
Weather Emergencies
Updated Graduation Requirement Policy
2023 RCTC Scholarship Application
Free Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests in Student Health Services (usual fee is $25 for both tests). on December 5th, 6th, and 7th only.
A urine specimen is required for the tests. Call 507-285-7261 or visit MyHealth.RCTC.edu to schedule your confidential appointment today!
Appointment times are limited! No walk-in appointments.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rarely present. STIs can be transmitted even if you do not have symptoms. If you are at risk for a STI, you NEED to be tested.
Be sure to mark your calendars, textbook sell back begins Monday, December 12th; as it is only for 1 WEEK! The bookstore hours are 8am – 4pm. The last day for book buy back is Friday, December 16th.
Student ID Required for all transactions!
Visit the bookstore in person or its website if you have any questions or concerns.
Get the schedule YOU want! Get the courses you NEED! Don’t take the WRONG courses! Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to review your degree plan. You’ll have time to handle any ROADBLOCKS. Unexpected hold? Financial aid error? Starting early gives you time to figure out any barriers that might keep you from registering.
HOW DO I SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH MY ADVISOR? Sign in to advisorvue an online web-based tool that makes scheduling appointments easy! Just log in with your STAR ID and password to see your advisor’s appointment times. Trouble signing in? Considering a new degree? Need to meet with a different pathway advisor? Contact the Advising Center at 507-285-7260.
Ideally you should have been reviewing your notes every night after classes throughout the entire semester, in preparation for finals. BUT LET’S FACE IT…not everyone has been preparing over the past several months for these last few weeks. Here are some tips offered which are fairly simple to follow and easy to understand.
- Time management and scheduling is important during this time crunch. Use a time calendar or planner. It’s a good idea to write down the finals schedule on a calendar along with the times that you will study.
- Don’t confuse reviewing with cramming. The results of cramming are usually what one expects – failure.
- Get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast. Get at least seven hours of sleep. Try to stay away from acidic or greasy foods.
- Remember that it is OK and natural to feel some concern and anxiety over tests. This will help you focus on the task that lies ahead.
- To help prepare for the test, make sure you have an attitude of confidence as you go into the test. Visualization is a good strategy before the testing date. Imagining doing well on the test is a very effective way to boost self-esteem and confidence before the test.
- Arrive at the classroom about five minutes prior to the testing time. Be sure not to arrive too early because this could cause test anxiety.
- When beginning the test, be sure to look over the entire test and answer the easier questions first. Also weigh the questions. Do the ones that are worth more points first to help boost your grade. If doing an essay, try to make an outline.
- Look for key words throughout the test.
- Change the answers only if you are sure they are wrong.
Immediate Preparation:
- Step One: At least three days before the exam, take about an hour (no more!) simply to read over your notes from the class sessions. At this point, do not try to study “intensely” (e.g., by trying to memorize things); JUST READ THEM THROUGH. Then do a read-through of the notes you have taken on your readings or of the sections you have highlighted. If you find yourself very confused, consult with your instructor–that’s what office hours are for!
- Step Two: At least two full days before the exam, go back over your lecture notes. This time, go through them slowly, taking a few hours if necessary. Use a highlighter to mark important points (definitions, key events, etc.) and use a separate sheet of paper to jot down (1) central themes/ideas; and (2) areas where you are weak and will need extra “drilling.” Then go over the summaries (or highlighted sections) of your readings again, marking central themes and weak points on that separate sheet, which has become your “master outline.” If your instructor has given you specific study questions or the exact exam questions, focus your review on these questions, and end the session by writing an outline of answers you’d give to them.
- Step Three: On the night before the exam (or the morning of, if the exam isn’t too early in the day and you have a block of time available), review the “master outline” sheet with central ideas and weak points. Spend extra time on the weak areas if you need to. If you have specific study questions or the exact exam questions, write out your answers as a kind of “dry run.” Then compare your answers with your notes. Spend extra time on the weak areas if you need to. This method of studying (or any similar multi-step method) is much more effective than “pulling an all-nighter” before the exam. It doesn’t take more time; it may even take less. It is also healthier because a good night’s sleep before an exam is important.
Ultimately, every student must find his or her own way of preparing for different types of examinations. For more terrific tips on taking tests, go to Snexplores.org.
You can receive your 2022 1098-T and W-2 tax forms electronically, rather than receiving a paper copy by U.S. mail.
Some of the benefits include:
- Quicker access to year-end tax forms
- Reduce printing and mailing costs
- Environmentally friendly
Visit your eServices site before the end of the semester and indicate that you’d like to receive your forms electronically. If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 507-285-7557.
As we approach the winter season, now is the time to remind everyone of the policies and procedures to follow should classes or activities need to be canceled, or the campus needs to close, due to weather or another emergency.
During an emergency, all current RCTC students and employees automatically receive an RCTC Emergency Alert at their RCTC email account. If anyone wishes to receive an alert as a text message, a phone message, or an email message to a non-RCTC email address, they are encouraged to sign up for the RCTC Emergency Alert, our emergency alert messaging system.
In addition, RCTC’s Facebook, Twitter, and website will have up-to-date information on any change in status, and the College’s main switchboard will have a recorded message at 507-285-7210. Television media outlets KTTC-TV; FOX47-TV, and KAAL-TV will be notified of the status change to scroll across the bottom of the television station’s screen.
Whenever possible, decisions affecting day classes will be made by 6am and decisions affecting evening classes or activities will be made by 3pm. If the decision is to have a delayed start (i.e., the campus will open at 10am), all classes with a start time before that time will NOT meet. If the campus closes early because of inclement weather, all classes that start before the closure time will begin to meet at their regularly scheduled time but must conclude at the closure time.
The decision to remain open or close during inclement weather is never an easy call; however, the safety of our students and employees is always part of the equation. Those safety questions include, but are not limited to:
- Are state highways open and snowplows operating?
- Are local transit systems running?
- Is wind, cold, or ice a factor?
- Are power or heating systems affected?
Because weather and related road conditions are not the same in every area where students and employees live, the decision as to whether it is safe to travel ultimately resides with each individual.
After careful review and consultation, Policy 3.17.8 – Graduation Requirement was updated with a disclaimer that states the College reserves the right to automatically post certificate, diploma, and degree completion to the student academic record upon the verification that all requirements have been satisfied. This disclaimer allows Records/Registration to post on the student’s behalf to accurately reflect completion of a program and it aligns with similar processes being followed by many system colleges.
This updated policy will be implemented beginning Spring Semester 2023 and is posted on the College policies website.
Remember, it is every RCTC students’ responsibility to familiarize themselves with, and adhere to, state, system, and college policies. All policies and procedures are available through the RCTC website at http://www.rctc.edu/policies/
The Rochester Community and Technical College Foundation Scholarship application window for our Spring 2023 Scholarships opens for incoming and returning RCTC students in January.
There are over 50 Scholarships available in these following areas:
- Automotive
- Law Enforcement
- Education
- Dental
- Nursing
- Liberal Arts
- … And more
There are also scholarships available that aren’t based on a specified program, yet based on student need, community service, extracurricular activities, or county of residence.
The scholarships awarded are for the Spring Semester of 2023 at Rochester Community and Technical College.
The scholarship application can be found on the Foundation website.
If you have questions, please contact the RCTC Foundation at 507-281-7771 or foundation@rctc.edu