By Sarah Brakebill-Hacke
Student President
I have always found truth in the famous words of Gandhi, “You must be the change that you wish to see in this world.”

Sarah Brakebill-Hacke
Spring semester marks a time of great change on our campus: students graduate, flowers begin to bloom, and a new student leadership team is elected.
As times change, so do the needs of the students on our campus. This year our team has identified and sought to resolve the deepest needs of the student body. We have forged unforgettable relationships with students, faculty, staff and administration. We have grown as people and as leaders in our communities. We, the executive team, have leaned on each other as we focused on our academics and our projects here on campus.
The Senate has sat in countless meetings hearing and voting in the best interest of the students on this campus. Now, our term as leaders is nearing an end, and the time has come to elect a new set of leaders to forge the way for the next generation of students.
Our team has done so much work this past year in the creation of a more equitable campus, where hungry students can soothe growling bellies with the assistance of the Senate’s Emergency Food Aid Program; where students can have a place to gather with our careful planning for a Student Union; where students can lay their heads as we work closely with the administration to create on-campus housing.
These are just a few of the larger scale projects our Senate has discussed, planned and in the case of Food Aid, implemented this year. All of these important decisions are made in our Senate meetings.
Last year around this time, I wondered if I, too, could become a student leader. I walked past posters advertising running for office. I was enthralled by the opportunity but doubted whether I would be able to win the vote of the Senate. I wanted to represent the student body. I was nervous and frankly, a little scared. Last spring was my first time back in school in over a decade.
After careful thought and consideration, I saw the value student government would bring to my college experience. Looking back, I know I made the right decision. This experience has been one of the most enriching experiences, and the connection I feel to the college and all within is deeper than can words can express.
The Senate has been working hard to revise the entire election platform to include the entirety of the student body in the vote for its leaders. This is a new era for student government on the RCTC campus.
We are excited about the new transformation. We will be passing a new constitution with many innovative changes. Every representative, including the senators, will be voted on by YOU, the students. We aim to make this new government a true representation of the students on our campus. We hope to engage the YOU in the decision of who will best represent you in the years to come.
If I haven’t convinced you yet, I hope that you make the choice to run for office. The opportunity for growth is limitless. Although our team has done much work to address the needs of students on campus, there is still much more work to be done.
You are valuable, you are needed and you are capable of being a great leader.