Alum’s novel is a sci-fi journey

By Munira Alimire
Arts and Entertainment Editor

Caleb Anthony

Caleb Anthony

Caleb Anthony, an RCTC alumnus and former Echo sports editor, has accomplished one of his greatest dreams: publishing his book Zetar.

The Pine Island native was a media/mass communications major and transferred to the University of Northwestern, Saint Paul after spending two and half years at RCTC.

He first wrote the book in 2014, but in the past year, he has had time to rewrite and revise it. The idea came from the role-player games he enjoyed with his friends, where he would get to create characters and determine their fates.

Zetar is a sprawling ensemble of interesting main characters, focusing around partners with amnesia who are searching for one another, and as a consequence, affect the world around them. I like to think of it as sci-fi journey along the lines of Star Wars meets Mass Effect,” Anthony said.

Anthony writes this story – rather, all stories – with the hope of expressing himself and leaving people with an interesting idea to chew on. By exploring the world around him with writing, he addresses his internal need and hopes to make an impact on someone’s life.


Zetar Cover

That hope reflects the way he goes about writing. While admitting it would be wonderful to live solely off his writing and receive the commercial benefits of well-known authors, he continues to write for the sake of writing along.

“You can’t give up in this industry,” Anthony explained. “You have to be committed to your dream of writing and write a little every day. You shouldn’t stop or be discouraged, even if your first draft sucks – you need to pick up and start again.”

Anthony’s advice to aspiring writers is: “Write. Don’t be afraid.”

You can buy Zetar online at Amazon or at