Environment inspires ëSea Legsí exhibit By Ilhan Raage Editor-in-Chief The RCTC gallery now features an exhibit that explores adaptability in response to an ever-shifting...
Mission IMPROVable Comedy is spot on By Matthew Burdick Staff Writer Starting a new semester filled with bitter cold weather and a new coat of...
ëThe Christiansí raises ëgray areas to considerí By Hawa Sheikh-Adam Arts and Entertainment Editor When it comes to performance productions, not everyone understands the process. Thereís...
Gray Duck Theater ëis all about cinema, conversation and communityí By Hawa Sheikh-Adam Arts and Entertainment Editor ìThe goal is a well-rounded film diet.î ó† Andy Smith Everyone is...
Gagnon Museum presents first exhibition Echo staff report The Charles E. Gagnon Museum and Sculpture Garden is presenting its first exhibition, ìLipchitz in the...
PTK encourages scholarship among 2-year students By Micraj Abdullahi Staff Writer Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges and academic programs,...
Exhibit shows progression through multimedia art By Ilhan Raage Editor-in-Chief An idea that began in the fall of 2017 is now the spotlight of the...
Beauty pageantís goal is to restore peace: RCTC student competes with a purpose By Ilhan Raage Editor-in-Chief Everyone has their defining moment in life, the moment in which they discover a greater...
Art Club donates painting By Munira Alimire Arts and Entertainment Editor Munira.Alimire1651@mb.rctc.edu After an eventful year, RCTCís Art Club recently donated its untitled...
Gallery closes season with student artwork By Lydia Hansen Editor-in-Chief Lydia.Hansen1961@mb.rctc.edu The Art Gallery closed its spring season with a set of exhibits featuring...