Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences Open House Nov. 1 Mayo Health Sciences staff at a recent Open House offered visitors a look at a variety of medical procedures....
Commencement goes virtual By Ilwad Salex Reporter Around this time almost every year, all around the country there are students who are...
Hear that? RCTC Echo named best college paper for 2nd straight year In the program notes, judges wrote, “Excellent newspaper! Full of ads, good editorial page, in depth, quality news coverage....
Hive Supply stays open RCTC staff The Hive Supply, RCTC’s campus-based food pantry, is committed to serving it students and has announced that...
Ebony night was a ‘positive experience’ By Samantha Olson RCTC celebrated Ebony Night on February 28. This annual event recognizes and honors those of African...
Cap and Gone!: 840 students graduate Echo staff report Rochester Community and Technical College celebrated its 103rd annual commencement ceremony on May 16. Of the...
Construction projects continue throughout summer Echo staff report Bring a hard hat if youíre going to be on campus this summer. There will be...
OAKS recipients share stories of facing adversity Echo staff report The†Overcoming Adversity Keeping Strong Event is an annual fundraising and scholarship program that pays tribute to...
Ebony Night celebrates African heritage By Ilhan Raage Editor-in-Chief RCTC celebrated Ebony Night on Feb. 22. The event was held to recognize and honor...
Gonna fly now: RCTC launches Aviation Program By Breanna Shen Staff Writer RCTC formally announced its plans to defy gravity by adding a new two-year pilot...