Category: Campus
After-school child care is much more than crowd control
The best part of the job is the kids, and the worst part of the job is the kids. Alex Roberts, a student at RCTC, works for Project Kids, which provides after school care for children that are 3 years to fifth grade in Kasson.
I feel like I belong here’ – Campus clubs give opportunity for learning, socializing
Regardless of how or why students choose to get involved with student clubs, the door is always open for those who are interested.
Student Success Day about asking the right questions
The fall semester’s Student Success Day, held on Sept. 13, featured a multitude of sessions aimed at helping students improve their college experience.
A mix of old and new sessions were offered. Some, like the Mayo School of Health Science series, targeted a portion of the student body, while others had a more general focus and were applicable to all students regardless of major or previous college experience.