Opportunity often comes unexpectedly

By Ilhan Raage


For much of my life, I never held back from taking any opportunities that came my way. To be honest, I saw it as a challenge to myself at first until I realized just how many open doors that these seemingly simple opportunities provided me with.

I will always be grateful that the option of Post-Secondary Enrollment Option was available to me.

Being able to take college classes while Iím still in high school has given me the experience of what college is really like, has allowed be to learn to be more responsible, and has saved me so much money.

College has always been a goal for me and a chance to study what I love. Recently, Iíve realized that I want to take what I learn and help others.

Without PSEO, I wouldíve never been aware that I didnít want just a normal 9 to 5 job and would rather change lives by starting a business that would benefit those in need. Due to having this early experience, Iíve gotten the chance to discover things about myself that I wouldnít have otherwise.

PSEO classes have helped me become more responsible for keeping up with homework from numerous classes and reaching out to ask for help. In college, I wonít have my parents or teachers holding my hand and guiding me to easy answers. Rather, I would have to make my own choices on whether studying for that class or procrastinating would be more beneficial for me in the long run.

Getting free college credit while still being in high school has opened my eyes to just how much getting a college degree will cost. Thankfully, PSEO has saved me so much money.

Overall, I believe that being a PSEO student has been an opportunity that Iíll never take for granted because of how much it has benefited me.