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Picking up litter improves water quality

Parking lot litter and grounds maintenance byproducts contribute to built up pollutant levels on campus storm water ponds. Want to help fix that? Start by picking up your garbage.

Bring your troubles to the Learning Center

Having trouble learning a math or science concept? Need some help with a reading assignment or wanting some guidance on an essay? Tutors, computers, and other study resources at the Learning Center make finals week a snap, but are also useful and available throughout the semester.

Yoda and Nike got it right

“For many, a college career is basically a hunt for wisdom, knowledge, and truth. (Also free pizza.) The greatest truth of my college career can be summed up in the words of a well-known life coach and diplomate: Jedi Master Yoda.”

Breaking barriers to recognize 2-year student athletes

The Minnesota College Athletic Conference, under the leadership of Peter Watkins, hopes to break the barriers holding back many two-year athletic programs. This includes lack of recognition for the teams and low promotion of conference events, all of which results in two-year sports teams and leagues being overlooked in favor of four-year schools.