“May I quote you on that?” is a common question a journalist asks during an interview. Here are just a few of the colorful comments that we’ve heard around campus. This time, we didn’t ask your permission.
Latest News
We have the power, so let’s change things together
By Sarah Brakebill-Hacke RCTC Student Senate President Sarah.Brakebill-Hacke5761@mb.rctc.edu “As my sufferings mounted, I soon realized that there were two...
Your opinion is important in the next presidential search
By Munira Alimire Arts and Entertainment Editor Munira.Alimire1651@mb.rctc. As we are well aware, President Mary Davenport will be stepping...
The joke’s on you, but fake news is no joke
By Lydia Hansen Editor in Chief Lydia.Hansen1961@mb.rctc.edu The fake news phenomenon, which has been in and out of the...
Speaker to discuss archaeological ethics
Echo staff report Dr. Patty Gerstenblith will present: “Saving the Past for the Future: Legal and Ethical Issues” at...
Award recognizes FYEX as innovative program
Echo staff report Rochester Community and Technical College’s First Year Learning Experience 1000 Program (FYEX) , in partnership with...
RCTC Foundation elects new officers and directors
Echo staff report The Rochester Community and Technical College Foundation recently elected new officers and members to the board...
Welcome to the Hive
Students take part in a Welcome Day activity in the Atrium of the main RCTC campus. Students were invited...
Need a ride? You got it – and it’s free!
By Isaac Sindt Graphics Manager Isaac.Sindt3265@mb.rctc.edu New and returning students alike may have noticed the signs plastered on almost...
Blazing a trail: Transfer Pathways clears way to 4-year degree
By Lydia Hansen Editor in Chief Lydia.Hansen1961@mb.rctc.edu For students at RCTC and other two-year colleges across the state, transferring...