By Luis Enrique Cisneros Pito
Arts & Entertainment Editor

The cast of “Peer Gynt includes Reba Landers, Roy Womack, Kaleb Williams, Corie Casper, Daniel Sheppard, Ryan Christopherson, Rachel Weaver, Mitch Gibson, Sam Smith, Sam Smith, Arionna Eppolite, Kara Haack, Ian Gill, Stan Juzwiak, Sean Ling and Theo Vigo-Dow. (Echo Photo by Luis Enrique Cisneros Pito)
Spring semester brings with it another timeless work for the Rochester Community and Technical College students, faculty and staff.
“Peer Gynt,” a play by Henrik Ibsen, will make its splash on April 20. The story of indulgence and adventures is one that is guaranteed to keep everyone on their toes.
The title character embarks on a journey to discover meaning in his life. On his way, he encounters exciting and enigmatic characters such as a prophet, a goblin king, a businessman and many more as he makes his way through forests, deserts, shipwrecks and into his own sanity
The tale of finding one’s self amid temptations and distractions that life can bring is led by director Ryan Underbakke. Not new to the classics, Underbakke directed “MacBeth” during the fall semester.
Keeping things focused on the core of the story and talent of the performers, the costumes and scenery will reflect the sense of simplicity. That, however, does not mean you can’t expect great things from the talented technical director Ben Hain and costume designer Dona Fisher-Tran.
Students are welcome to come free of admission with a valid student ID. Adults can come partake in the fun for $10, and non-students as well as seniors can get in for $8.
The play runs 7:30 p.m. April 20-22, and April 27-28. A final matinee is at 2 p.m. April 29. So, get ready for another classic story full of twists and turns in life.