By Breanna Shen
Arts and Entertainment Editor

Art + Design instructor Suzanne Szucs introduces the “Same Difference” annual portfolio show at the RCTC Art Gallery. (Echo photo by Nathan Hoover)
A reception celebrating the unveiling of a new art exhibition, entitled ìSame Difference,î took place April 25.
According to Art + Design instructor Suzanne Szucs, “Same Difference” is the annual art portfolio show, which showcases the work of RCTC students. In Szucsís opening speech, she said that the Art Portfolio class “is focused on professionalism, so students learn about professionalism while creating an exhibition portfolio.”
The students produced these inspiring pieces of artwork during three months of productive effort. During this time, the students grew both as artists and individuals.
Zoe Jensen, whose paintings are included in the art exhibition, described this process, saying that ìwe channeled our creativity and planned out how weíd go about the artwork. She also stated that “I believe everyone found out what they really wanted to do.”
For quite a few students, this art exhibition is the culmination of an Associate of Fine Arts Degree or a Photography Certificate, as they are graduating this spring.
Szucs believes that they have a bright future in front of them and calls their achievement “the start of a very long career of success because they put a lot of love and effort into it.”
Szucs said that she is “very proud of what the students have done.”
From photographs to inkjet prints to oil on canvas, the mediums the artwork were presented in were as varied as the subjects and themes. Within each artistís project, viewers can detect his/her unique interpretation of a situation.
An artistís statement describing the meaning and thought process of the artwork is mounted beside each display. By reading these explanations, viewers can gain valuable insight into the distinctive reasoning at the heart of each presentation.