Meet the Echo Staff!

Introducing the 2023-2024 Echo Staff


Jessica Cormican

Echo Student Editor-in-Chief

Year: Sophomore
Major: Mass Communications.
Hobbies: Knitting and collecting funky earrings.
Something surprising about me: I currently own 16 plants, all in my tiny bedroom, including one beautiful Venus fly trap!



Alexis Ofilas

Echo Student Managing Editor

Year: Sophomore
Major: Dental Hygiene
Hobbies: Playing video games & art.
Something surprising about me: I can eat 6 Go-gurt tubes at once.


Mathew Clemens

Year: Returning student
Major: Laboratory Science
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Video Games, Fishing
Something surprising about me: I’ve visited 48 U.S. states and Washington D.C. I hope to visit Alaska and Hawaii sometime in the next few years and other countries, too





Join the team! E-mail Echo Advisor Bryan Lund at: