“May I quote you on that?” is a common question a journalist asks during aninterview. Here are just a few of the colorful comments that we’ve heard around campus. This time, we didn’t ask your permission.
Teacher, pointing at complicated equation on board: “What would you do about this?”
Student: “Cry.”
– in a math class
Person 1: “College is a scam.”
Person 2: “Then why are you still here?”Person 1: “Because work is an even bigger scam, and my Wi-Fi is spotty.”
– outside the Goddard Library
“Shut up, you have a deathly fear of tomatoes, lettuce, and everything else you’d find in a salad!”
– in the Learning Center
“Have you ever been attacked by a canary? Hon, it’s a freaking nightmare. They’re like tiny yellow grim reapers.”
– in the cafeteria
“I’m going to play the devil’s avocado here.”
– in the Heintz Center
“Let’s move away. I think she’s listening in on our conversation.”
– after being busted for eavesdropping