Yellowjacket Diversity Series to Debut Feb. 11

Diversity SeriesAre you looking for a way to learn more about Rochester Community and Technical College’s Yellowjacket community and its diversity? Are you hoping to gain skills in interacting with people of different cultural, ethnic, and other identities/backgrounds? If so, then the Yellowjacket Diversity Series is the perfect opportunity for you. With four meetings occurring from February 11th to March 4th, there is a wide variety of topics that will be covered. Amy Nelson will discuss women in the medical field, Sidney Frye will talk about holding conversations on critical topics, Dr. Jorgenson will cover safe space creation, and Victoria Alexander will be speaking about implicit bias. The talks will occur in room CF 206/208 for 1- or 2-hour sessions.  

If you participate in 3 of the 4, you can get a certificate of completion, but make sure to sign up beforehand. All are welcome, see the flyer image for more details.

by Theresa Charron
